​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Board of Review Assessment Complaint Hearings

All Kane County Board of Review hearings will be conducted by either teleconference or video conference; in either method, the Board of Review will use the Zoom platform to conduct the hearing.
Each hearing is scheduled for 15 minutes.
While the Board Members make every attempt to keep the hearings on time, occasionally hearings may run over the 15 minute allotted time.
Please be patient and remain in the meeting queue until you are admitted into the hearing.
Failure to appear can result in a dismissal of your complaint. ​
For a Zoom teleconference, you will need to have a telephone; the quality of the connection is the responsibility of the complainant.  
Select the date and time of the hearing from your Notice of Hearing to find the telephone number, meeting ID, and passcode for your hearing;
At the date and time of your hearing, call the telephone number and enter the meeting ID and passcode to enter the Zoom teleconference; and 
Once you are admitted to the waiting room, wait for the Board of Review to admit you to the hearing;
For instructions on how to use Zoom for the teleconference please click here. ​

For a Zoom video conference, you will need the following:
​​Desktop/laptop computer, smartphone or tablet with a camera and microphone
Stable internet connection
Zoom software (you may download the free software here https://www.zoom.us);​
For instructions on how to use Zoom for the video conference please ​click here.​ 

Once the Zoom software is installed on your computer:
Select the date and time of the hearing from your Notice of Hearing to link for your hearing;
At the date and time of your hearing, click on the link to enter the Zoom video teleconference; and 
Once you are admitted to the waiting room, wait for the Board of Review to admit you to the hearing. 

​Hearing Dates:

​There are currently no hearings scheduled. 

